Get Grateful With Our Gratitude Guide!

This November is National Gratitude Month, and Pilates is the perfect solution to activate deeper gratitude in our lives. A common misconception is that gratitude is just feeling thankful, but it is much more! The American Psychological Association defines this phenomenon as a sense of happiness and thankfulness in response to a fortunate happenstance or tangible gift. We can all agree that life is not always easy, and challenges abound, but whether your current circumstances make you feel fortunate or not depends on your perspective. If we shift our perspective and look through the lens of gratitude, we begin to develop a greater appreciation for our lives. This month, we’ve created a guide to help you activate gratitude through your Pilates practice and experience more joy!
- Make a List: A study found that people who wrote three things that went well in their day and identified the root cause were significantly happier and less depressed, even six months after the study ended. We suggest placing a notebook and pen or pencil by your Pilates mat this November. Before your workout, name three things you feel grateful for. Say them aloud after you've written them down to activate the energy behind your list. Before each workout, add another three and recite the complete list. Doing so will create the habit of building gratitude and enacting feel-good energy for the rest of the day!
- Thank Your Body: As you begin your workout and stretch, thank each body part for what it can do. Give thanks to the muscles that support your bones and ligaments, enabling you to move and function! Say, thank you to the feet that provide foundational support, allowing you to stand and walk! Regardless of how you feel about your physical appearance, focus on the incredible functionality of your body. Imagine that today's workout was your first time experiencing usage of your arms and legs. How would you describe that sensation? Give thanks for the ability to partake in your Pilates session by covering each body part in gratitude! Try one of our mat classes, and as you move through each step, channel gratitude and thankfulness into each movement!
- Savor your senses: As you go deeper into your workout and sweat, thank your body for its self-regulating ability! When your body gets too hot, your brain sends a message that the body needs to cool down. This message comes from the hypothalamus, the part of the brain that controls your body’s temperature. To cool down, your body begins to release sweat. Let your workout remind you of all the intricate processes your body is programmed to do by itself! From sweating to breathing - each aspect of working out can become a portal that allows you to embody gratitude.
- Meditate: As you unwind and end your workout, pause and make time to meditate before you re-enter the world. Studies have found that gratitude meditation can increase feelings of gratitude. When you make gratitude the focus of your meditation, you notice how many blessings you have and begin to activate feelings of happiness! Check out our YouTube channel and explore our recently added guided meditations! Start with our peace-filled meditation as you make space to reflect on all you are grateful for!
Add our gratitude guide to your workout this month, and soon, you will develop a newfound appreciation for your life, body, and the world around you!